Do you need an urgent care or routine appointment?
Please choose from the appointment types below.
Urgent Care Appointments
If you need an urgent care appointment, please book in now for the next available appointment. Please follow the instructions on the booking link below. Urgent care appointments cover any pain condition, psychological distress (anxiety etc…), mobility issues or acute injuries. Please do not book in unless you feel your appointment is urgent. If you are unsure whether you need an urgent appointment, I am happy to discuss your case with you. Please email by clicking here.
Urgent care appointments are unfortunately not available for people over 70, who are diabetic, currently having chemotherapy or you fall into an ‘extremely high risk’ category. This decision have been made by our governing body and insurers - The British Acupuncture Council. Thank you for your understanding at this time. Your safety remains at the heart of every decision that is made at this time.
Routine Appointments
Routine appointments will proceed from August 2020. You can book in now for your routine appointment, which is highly advisable. If anything changes in regards to government regulations and we can open earlier for routine appointments, you will be offered an earlier date and time. Thank you for your patience during this time.